Why it makes good sense to hire an attorney after you’ve been in a car accident

There is no such thing as a “minor” car accident. While some are more serious than others, every time two vehicles collide, there is the possibility of injuries, damage and many other unforeseen long-term consequences. A car accident always sets off a series of events that will cost you time, money, and some degree of aggravation.

And when you’re in a more serious accident, the list only grows longer and becomes more complicated. If you’re involved in a car accident where there are injuries or someone dies, or one or more of the vehicles sustains major damage, then the stakes are raised considerably.

Much of the time, you can handle minor accidents on your own, but at some point, you need to take every step you can to protect your legal rights, your property and the health and well-being of you and your loved ones who may be at risk physically, financially and emotionally.

For these reasons, it’s imperative that you seek out a seasoned and skilled car accident attorney to represent your interests. Not only will it bring you peace of mind to know that you now have a strong ally, but you’ll also gain the added perspective of someone who can remove the strong emotions associated with a life event like this, and base decisions and actions going forward on facts.

With an attorney representing you, you’ll be able to focus on the important job of healing yourself while the attorney can focus on helping you to recover the maximum amount of compensation you may be entitled to receive. An attorney will be able to take on large insurance companies, medical providers and attorneys representing the other side, removing much of the anxiety in your life as well.

An attorney can also represent you in negotiations with insurance companies and adjusters who will want to settle your case for as little as possible, despite telling you they want you to be adequately compensated. With an attorney representing you, the playing field can be a level one, meaning you’ll get what you deserve to help you move forward with your life.

Bowser Law serves clients in communities throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

29 years of Proven Results.

(888) 526-9737